Exibindo todos 6 resultados

Más allá de la imperfección

R$ 0,00
No debemos tener prisa en los caminos que llevan a la perfección. En ese recorrido debemos entregar todos los hábitos

Taking Charge of One´s Process of Dying – 3 – When the Soul Is Set Free

R$ 0,00
After death, the soul enters a new state of consciousness which will depend on the kind of life that was

The Importance of Self-Control in Epidemics and Other Risk Situations

R$ 0,00
Individual or collective risk situations are brought on by the law of karma. The physical body has a consciousness that

A evolução e seus zeladores

R$ 0,00
O plano evolutivo necessita dos que mantêm os princípios originais da Criação / Nesta reflexão definem-se os traços de personalidade

Information on the New Earth and the New Humanity

R$ 0,00
Today activated planetary centers are taking part in our process of expansion of consciousness according to need and to the

Nossos compromissos esquecidos

R$ 0,00
Reações possíveis diante do marasmo e da inércia da humanidade / Compromissos que assumimos antes de encarnar / Consolidar a